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Camila L.
North York M2J, Ontario
From $10 /hr
years exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Camila

22 years old
Hi there, my name is Camila. I have a great love for cats, I believe they are beautiful, kind, intelligent animals, and essential family members. Taking care of a pet is like taking care of a baby, they need love and attention. I haven't had cats myself because my mom is allergic and right now I don't have the resources to maintain a pet. However, I've had many experiences of taking care of my friends' cats, from very energetic loving cats to more independent and grumpy cats that also need love and attention but in different ways, I've been surrounded by diverse personalities and I care about being as understanding and loving as possible. And if you give me the chance to take care of your fluffy friend I will make sure to keep you update, sending pictures and videos. I commit to respecting your pet, your property, and your confidentiality.

Experience caring for

Young pets
Adult pets

Services and pricing

Price per session

Overnight sitting $26 / night
Day care $23 / day
Feeding $15 / visit