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Angela H.
Nepean K2J, Ontario
From $28 /hr
From $28
Hourly rate

About Angela

53 years old
Angela has a strong love for animals and is a very caring animal lover. She is trustworthy, organised, and reliable, and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to get her to take care of my family pet. I would also recommend her services to anyone I know. - John D Angela was a pet caregiver for my special Labrador Retriever, Daisy. Although my sweet Daisy has passed, my memories of the excitement she would have when Angela came by to take her for walks (solo and with other dogs) or house sit and provide live in care during vacations remain. Affordable, reliable, and loving, I highly recommend Angela as a caregiver for your special pet! - Marc S Angela has been a friend for many years and we would take our own dogs out for walks. Now with a dog and cat at home, Angela was my first choice to stay with my pets for two weeks as I knew they would be well cared for and comfortable while my family was away from them for the first time. I got regular pet updates while I was away so it was easier to be away from them, knowing they were safe and thriving under her care. - Joanne H

Experience caring for

Small dogs < 10 kg

Services and pricing

Price per hour

Transportation $28 / hour

Price per session

Walking $50 / walk
Overnight sitting $70 / night
Day care $60 / day