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Allison K.
Orleans K1E, Ontario
From $10 /hr
Hired 1 time
year exp.
From $10
Hourly rate

About Allison

23 years old
Hi, my name is Allison. I am starting a bachelors of science in nursing at the University of Ottawa. When I receive a task I work very hard to achieve it. I currently live with my mom, dad and younger brother and what people like to call our zoo. My family has 5 animals, Minnie a 6-year-old Boston terrier, Daisy a 5-year-old Boston terrier-french bulldog, 2 cats Tinker and Ollie and Gus a 1-year-old pug. I have been raised with cats and dogs my whole life and have impacted who I am today. I have a passion for cats and dogs and want to help you and share my passion by caring for your pet(s). Currently, I am not in school and able to stay at your house any day of the week. My main goal when I am caring for your pets and you to be happy and stress-free because I would never want to cause stress to any animals. I am skilled in care for multiple dogs and cats and can walk my three dogs at once. Along with being able to care for multiple animals, I am also able to care for sick animals who need medication or who have different medical problems eg: bladder issues. Nothing usually scares me, I have been able to meet many different breeds of different sizes over the years and am always up for a new challenge.

Experience caring for

Elderly pets
Adult pets
Young pets
Small dogs < 10 kg
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Services and pricing

Price per session

Feeding $20 / visit
Walking $20 / walk
Overnight sitting $50 / night