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Suzanne M.
Paris N3L, Ontario
From $12 /hr
From $12
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Suzanne

51 years old Speaks English
I enjoy cleaning and spending time with people. I like card games, watching TV or movies or just chatting. I am available every morning and Monday to Thursday in the afternoon. I have my certificates in Community Service Worker and Developmental Service Worker. I do clean 2 other houses once a month around the 15th but other then that I am pretty flexible. I do smoke but only outside and never while I am working. I completed my internship of 600 hours at a care centre in Brantford where I had the ability to do some recreational activities with seniors as well as feeding, physio and personal care.
Comfortable with pets


Household help

Bathroom cleaning
Kitchen cleaning
General room cleaning
Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
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