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Magdaline N.
Riviere-A-La-Truite E1X, New Brunswick
From $14 /hr
year exp.
From $14
Hourly rate

About Magdaline

30 years old
I am confident that my extensive experience in housekeeping and my proven track record of elevating cleanliness standards can make a significant impact on your company.I am equipped to deliver exceptional results that align perfectly with your establishment’s high standards. At your company, I can leverage my skills to maintain pristine environments My professional background aligns seamlessly with the demands of this position. By implementing targeted cleaning routines, managing staff effectively, and enhancing guest experiences, I can help address your company's challenges and contribute to its continued success. My ability to adapt and lead ensures that I can provide a more organized, welcoming, and hygienic environment for your guests. Thank you for considering my application.


Household help

Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning