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Daniela A.
Courtice L1E, Ontario
From $12 /hr
years exp.
From $12
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Daniela

29 years old Speaks Spanish English French
I have experience in cleaning, I started cleaning some units and right now I am in charge of a Cleaning Team in Toronto, our company name is Simplebnb we are a property management with focus in giving a good experience to the clients and guest, that is why the owner created a Cleaning company as part of the organisation to provide this service to our own Airbnb units and the client units. I used to live in Toronto I just move to Courtice and I am working remote managing the cleaning team, I travel to Toronto for some meetings or auditory of the units 3 times per week. The rest of the time I am in Courtice so I would love to help you in the cleaning of your place. My mum also is a really good cleaner she used to work in Toronto in the Airbnb condos, she is also living here now with me so she can also help you If I am not available. and my grandma use to work in live in jobs and she is still searching a job. Please contact me
Non-smoker Comfortable with pets Interested in live-in jobs Criminal Record / Vulnerable Sector Check


Household help

Bed changing
Oven cleaning
Refrigerator cleaning
Cabinet cleaning
Dish washing
Window cleaning
See more