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Clinton O.
Longueuil J4L, Quebec
From $18 /hr
years exp.
From $18
Hourly rate

About Clinton

22 years old Speaks English French
1. Dusting surfaces and objects 2. Vacuuming carpets, rugs, and floors 3. Mopping hard floors 4. Cleaning and sanitizing bathrooms (toilets, shower, sink, etc.) 5. Wiping down kitchen appliances, counters, and cabinets 6. Washing windows and mirrors 7. Removing stains from carpets and upholstery 8. Cleaning and organizing closets, drawers, and shelves 9. Polishing furniture and metal fixtures 10. Disinfecting high-touch surfaces like light switches, door handles, and remote controls 11. Stripping and waxing floors 12. Using cleaning machines such as steam cleaners and pressure washers 13. Safely handling cleaning chemicals and detergents 14. Time management and efficient cleaning techniques 15. Attention to detail and thoroughness in cleaning 16. Good physical endurance and hand-eye coordination while cleaning.
Interested in live-in jobs


Household help

Dish washing
Window cleaning
Wall cleaning
Clean up after pets
Basement cleaning
House sitting