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Wee Watch Licensed Home Childcare
London N6B, Ontario
From $22 /hr
From $22
Hourly rate

About Wee Watch

28 years old
The home environment is the ideal setting for safe, nurturing childcare focused on the individual needs of each child. When your child is in a Wee Watch home you have peace of mind knowing they are in the best possible childcare environment. Here’s why: Our Providers complete a comprehensive interview and screening process as well as an in-depth training and home set-up program. Every adult in the home has been screened (medical/criminal) We have rigorous standards for home cleanliness and safety (that exceed Provincial government requirements) Our Home Visitors go to every home every month for an unscheduled visit to ensure that all health and safety protocols are being met as well as to support Providers with educational programming and child development advice All children in care have access to our Wee Learn and Together Wee Can educational programming – no other licensed home childcare agency has the quality of educational programming we have invested in

Experience caring for

Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Can care for 4 or more children


Cooking / Meal preparation


CPR Certification
First Aid Certification