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Urvashi S.
Regina S4S, Saskatchewan
From $14 /hr
From $14
Hourly rate

About Urvashi

26 years old Speaks English Hindi Punjabi
I have an experience of babysitting for kids of my family members, neighbours and friends. I know basic first aid techniques, and child safety protocols. I have excellent communication skills to interact effectively with both children and parents. This helps to ensures a safe and comfortable environment for everyone. I am able to remain calm, address conflicts or challenges, and adapt to changing circumstances. I plan and coordinate activities, prepare meals, help with homework, and ensure a safe and clean environment. Strong organizational skills help me to manage these tasks efficiently. I am able to think quickly, make decisions, and find solutions to problems is essential for ensuring the children's well-being and safety. I am punctual, dependable, and can be trusted to follow instructions and guidelines provided by the parents. I am friendly, approachable, and can connect with children on their level, it helps me to establish a positive and comfortable relationship.

Experience caring for

Early school age (4-6 years)
Teenagers (12+ years)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Can care for 1 child


Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Virtual Care
Homework help
Putting kids to bed


Graduate Degree