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Rachel M.
Winnipeg R2K, Manitoba
From $18 /hr
year exp.
From $18
Hourly rate

About Rachel

43 years old Speaks Tagalog English
Im a Filipina, we have Spanish heritage so we value family so much respect the others and elderly and always show kindness to others. Children are always curious in the world so the best way to teach them is to give valid explanation on certain things what is acceptable and unacceptable to society. Such as story telling of true to life stories of some successful people In terms of development of creativity practice is the key in developing certain skills. Filipino are enthusiastic and dedicated worker,.. all work and sacrifice we do outside our country Philippines is to help my family back home. My reason to work is to support my family, send my son to school and give some financial assistance to my father. That's why I always see to it, that when I work I give my best because I dedicate it to my family back home.

Experience caring for

Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Early school age (4-6 years)
Experience with twins
Can care for up to 2 children


Pick up / Drop off
Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed
Virtual Care
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First Aid Certification
CPR Certification
High school