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Louise Angelica R.
North York M3H, Ontario
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Louise Angelica

31 years old Speaks English
I grew up in a Filipino traditioned family. We are pro-family and we make sure our loved ones are well taken cared of. My experience in taking care of children started when I was at a young age. I am the eldest child and the eldest among my cousins in the family. When I was young around 7 years old, my mother left to work abroad so only my father was left to take care of my siblings. Since my father is working daily, he put me in charge of my siblings when he is not around. So since then I grew up to be an independent sister to my siblings. I learned how to cook meals for them, clean/bathe, put them to bed and their homework. Further, as years passed and as I grew older I started to have younger cousins and since my siblings can manage themselves already, my younger cousins were left in our home to care for them whenever their parents have work. So over the past years of my existence, I have really cared for 0 months old up until teenager. Thus, my experience in different age groups is my edge since I know how to particularly deal with them. Moreover, I graduated in Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I am fully knowledgeable in applying advanced first aid techniques per age group.

Experience caring for

Early school age (4-6 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Can care for up to 2 children


Swimming supervision
Pick up / Drop off
Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Homework help
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Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
First Aid Certification
Graduate Degree