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Lindi L.
Vancouver V5Z, British Columbia
From $25 /hr
year exp.
From $25
Hourly rate

About Lindi

32 years old Speaks English
For 13 years I've had the privilege of working with families, primarily as a nanny and/or developmental aide for children with disabilities. Using storytelling, humour, expressive art making, music, dance, and meditation, my work with children has provided me with a space to engage in imaginative play and creative problem solving. It is this environment of exploration and compassionate care that allows for mirroring back to children that they are seen, heard and celebrated for who they are. I hold a graduate degree in counseling psychology and am seeking part-time childcare work while I await licensure and build a client base. I am highly experienced working with kids of all ages, including infants/toddlers. I am also highly experienced with managing households for families, including cooking, cleaning, laundry, tutoring, preparing for moving/travel, re-organization, grocery shopping, pet care, overnight care etc...I take initiative, leave your house cleaner than you left it, and prioritize sensory activities and outdoor play. I am excellent at adapting to the needs and values of different families while following my instincts and being sensitive to the individual needs of a child. Excellent references available upon request.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Teenagers (12+ years)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Early school age (4-6 years)
Can care for 4 or more children


Pick up / Drop off
Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed
Swimming supervision
See more


Driver's Licence
Graduate Degree