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Brenda C.
Sydney B1P, Nova Scotia
From $20 /hr
year exp.
From $20
Hourly rate

About Brenda

54 years old Speaks English
I have worked with children closely for over 35 years. I am the oldest of 4 children so I had gained years of babysitting and care experience. My experience includes but is not limited to, managing group settings of children between infant to tween, managing group outings for recreational activities, meal/snack prep, cleaning and maintenance, housecleaning, taking camp kids to the pool, outdoor activities, help with arts, homework. I am also certified in Kids Yoga, Sound Therapy meditation for kids. I have three neices ages 2, 6 and 8 and a nephew age 10 who I spend a lot of time with and adore : ) I love working with and caring for children. I'm confident I can meet your expectations and more.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Primary school age (7-12 years)
Early school age (4-6 years)
Experience with twins
Can care for 4 or more children


Pick up / Drop off
Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Putting kids to bed
Swimming supervision
Virtual Care
See more


First Aid Certification
Driver's Licence
CPR Certification
College degree