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Alyssa B.
Quispamsis E2E, New Brunswick
From $13 /hr
year exp.
From $13
Hourly rate
Response rate

About Alyssa

25 years old Speaks English Spanish French
I am always willing to help and go the extra mile to make sure the children are safe and happy! Due to my three years in customer service, I am able to multitask, be on my feet for long periods of time, and fully complete any task given to me. In child care directly, I spent two summers taking care of my two younger cousins Mon-Fri while their parents were working. I am able to keep the children active, safe, and entertained. As well, I am in my second year of university for Communication Studies and Business, so helping them with homework is not an issue at all. I am fluent in Spanish and French, which enables me to help children with their other languages aside from English.
Non-smoker Has own transportation Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Early school age (4-6 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Teenagers (12+ years)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Can care for up to 3 children


Cooking / Meal preparation
Light housekeeping
Homework help
Putting kids to bed


Driver's Licence
High school