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Allyssa H.
Canoe V0E, British Columbia
From $14 /hr
From $14
Hourly rate

About Allyssa

32 years old
I have two boys 4 and 5 and a small Boston terrier. Been a stay at home mom since before my oldest was born. I have helped my friend with child care a lot and am always open to watching anyone’s babies or family. I am currently taking my ECE in hopes to open a childcare facility by next year. I am looking for an income to help me while doing my school. I also am homeschooling my 5 year old for kindergarten and my 4 year old does all the same learning.!
Non-smoker Has own transportation

Experience caring for

Early school age (4-6 years)
Toddlers (1-3 years)
Newborns (up to 12 months)
Can care for up to 2 children


Pick up / Drop off
Light housekeeping