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Alleben P.
Courtice L1E, Ontario
From $30 /hr
From $30
Hourly rate

About Alleben

38 years old
Professional Summary: Alleben is an an artist and accomplished educator with five years of invaluable experience in the field of education. Additionally, as a versatile multi-hyphenate, Alleben pursued studies at the Ontario College of Art and Design University and amassed over 15 years of professional creative expertise. In her latest teaching role at Globe Cambridge High School - a renowned international private academy. Alleben played a vital role in a new school opening while designing and delivering Ontario Curriculum-aligned courses. Alleben specializes in teaching various disciplines, including Visual Arts, Media Arts, English, Social Sciences and Humanities, and History. Her contributions to the art department have greatly benefited the students, resulting in creative achievement scholarships at prestigious universities such as the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Rhode Island School of Design, California School of the Arts, University of California Berkeley and Irvine, and many more.
Comfortable with pets

Experience caring for

Teenagers (12+ years)
Primary school age (7-12 years)
Can care for up to 2 children


Swimming supervision
Cooking / Meal preparation
Virtual Care
Homework help