Child Care in Winkler

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When do you need child care?
Francisca M.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Winkler
Children bring joy to our homes and our hearts!
| I am Mom of a six-year-old son and I take care of him since he was born. I have had some experience with a child caregiver of my neighbour children in Brazil. I love to play with children, it will be a pleasure to spend some time with your child (children).
... more
  • From $13 /hr
  • Winkler
Children bring joy to our homes and our hearts!
| I am Mom of a six-year-old son and I take care of him since he was born. I have had some experience with a child caregiver of my neighbour children in Brazil. I love to play with children, it will be a pleasure to spend some time with your child (children).
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From $13 per hour \
James S.
1 Verification
  • From $14 /hr
  • Winkler
1 Verification
a parent that wants to help other people with kids or pets willing to have them for nights
| I hav 2 boys 1 and 6 year old there not with me at the moment my wife left me and took our kids. We are working on our marriage hoping to be a family by January. My goal is to help other parents with there kids in the mean time as I miss my boys so much and not able to see them I want to show my love to other kids in the mean time. Kids are truly a great blessing I miss my kids and being able to watch other kids and help the parents when they need a sitter cause one day we will need one and would love the same help as well I don’t expect much for pay as I’m just wanting to do it to help. You can ether bring the kids here or I can bike as for a car I don’t have a car I don’t have a license right now due to the fact all my income goes to my wife and kids for food things they need and my kids often love going out so I try and send as much money as I can to give my kids the best life knowing it’s not all about me but to give is more important and helping people and I know finding a sitter is hard but I’m available anytime any hour
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Winkler
a parent that wants to help other people with kids or pets willing to have them for nights
| I hav 2 boys 1 and 6 year old there not with me at the moment my wife left me and took our kids. We are working on our marriage hoping to be a family by January. My goal is to help other parents with there kids in the mean time as I miss my boys so much and not able to see them I want to show my love to other kids in the mean time. Kids are truly a great blessing I miss my kids and being able to watch other kids and help the parents when they need a sitter cause one day we will need one and would love the same help as well I don’t expect much for pay as I’m just wanting to do it to help. You can ether bring the kids here or I can bike as for a car I don’t have a car I don’t have a license right now due to the fact all my income goes to my wife and kids for food things they need and my kids often love going out so I try and send as much money as I can to give my kids the best life knowing it’s not all about me but to give is more important and helping people and I know finding a sitter is hard but I’m available anytime any hour
... more
From $14 per hour \
Trudy F.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Winkler
Babysitter/Daycare sitter/House keeper
| I come from a family of 13, and currently am an aunt to 14. I have experience of babysitting for my sister children from ages... 6 months-8years. I love children.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Winkler
Babysitter/Daycare sitter/House keeper
| I come from a family of 13, and currently am an aunt to 14. I have experience of babysitting for my sister children from ages... 6 months-8years. I love children.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Winkler

When do you need child care?