Child Care in Town Of Plympton Wyoming

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Brittany O.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Sarnia
1 Verification
The main family I worked for had one autistic child they were my favourite family. Fully vaccinated
| I am a well educated person who is punctual and have a easy going bubbly personality kids generally flock to me as I have a big kid personality and love to have fun for example even though I am 31 I spent my day on my pedal bike and carving elaborate pumpkins (inner kid day) lol I have my own safe and reliable vehicle that is rather new and a clean driving record I do have some medical training and pets are not a problem as I was a vet tech during my time living in Toronto. I have 6+ years experience babysitting all different types of family even some with extreme cases of autism and other learning disability’s and always excited to help with reading and language skills as well as teaching French as a second language for those who are interested or have their kids in French immersion
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Sarnia
The main family I worked for had one autistic child they were my favourite family. Fully vaccinated
| I am a well educated person who is punctual and have a easy going bubbly personality kids generally flock to me as I have a big kid personality and love to have fun for example even though I am 31 I spent my day on my pedal bike and carving elaborate pumpkins (inner kid day) lol I have my own safe and reliable vehicle that is rather new and a clean driving record I do have some medical training and pets are not a problem as I was a vet tech during my time living in Toronto. I have 6+ years experience babysitting all different types of family even some with extreme cases of autism and other learning disability’s and always excited to help with reading and language skills as well as teaching French as a second language for those who are interested or have their kids in French immersion
... more
From $25 per hour \
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Child Care in Town Of Plympton Wyoming

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