Child Care in Summerland

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Sophia M.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Summerland
1 Verification
Part time and casual babysitter
| I am an early childhood educator assistant. I enjoy working with all different age groups . I have experience in a daycare setting with age 0-12 years old . I have my first aid certificate. If you are looking for part time childcare on evenings and weekends please let me know
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Summerland
Part time and casual babysitter
| I am an early childhood educator assistant. I enjoy working with all different age groups . I have experience in a daycare setting with age 0-12 years old . I have my first aid certificate. If you are looking for part time childcare on evenings and weekends please let me know
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From $16 per hour \
Karen M.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Summerland
Mature, warm and caring childcare provider available immediately.
| I am a loving, nurturing person who enjoys children of all ages. I also am a mature, caregiver type of person. I was a school teacher for my career and am recently retired. I enjoy young children and am very sensitive to their needs. I most recently was volunteering in my daughter in law’s Grade1-2 classroom 3 days a week. Because of COVID I am no longer able to volunteer. I want to fill the void in my life and thought providing childcare and helping someone like the couple in the ad at their time in need would be something I would like to do.
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Summerland
Mature, warm and caring childcare provider available immediately.
| I am a loving, nurturing person who enjoys children of all ages. I also am a mature, caregiver type of person. I was a school teacher for my career and am recently retired. I enjoy young children and am very sensitive to their needs. I most recently was volunteering in my daughter in law’s Grade1-2 classroom 3 days a week. Because of COVID I am no longer able to volunteer. I want to fill the void in my life and thought providing childcare and helping someone like the couple in the ad at their time in need would be something I would like to do.
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From $14 per hour \
Brooke B.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Summerland
Loving 18 year old looking to help out families:)
| I am an 18 year old girl who is new to the area and loves kids. I’ve been a babysitter since 11 , nanny since 14 and respite caretaker since 16. I enjoy cleaning for my fun, I have an outgoing personality and love many simple games. I’m a people pleaser but know my limits and will do everything to make sure your kids are well watched over and happy. Though i don’t drive for personal reasons, kids love me almost as much as i love them and i believe i am good at my job:) I also love animals!
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Summerland
Loving 18 year old looking to help out families:)
| I am an 18 year old girl who is new to the area and loves kids. I’ve been a babysitter since 11 , nanny since 14 and respite caretaker since 16. I enjoy cleaning for my fun, I have an outgoing personality and love many simple games. I’m a people pleaser but know my limits and will do everything to make sure your kids are well watched over and happy. Though i don’t drive for personal reasons, kids love me almost as much as i love them and i believe i am good at my job:) I also love animals!
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Summerland

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