Child Care in Shaughnessy

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Victoria R.
1 Verification
  • From $17 /hr
  • Shaughnessy
1 Verification
Loving Care Provider. I believe Child care workers are the stepping stones to a child future!.
| Hello my name is Victoria I am an experienced childcare worker I have been working with children most of my life.I am experienced with children ages newborn to 13 years I do house cleaning meal preparation and daily activities to make sure your child achieves an active healthy lifestyle. I focus on the physical, emotional, social, language, and cognitive skills and I strongly believe in the power of play.
... more
  • From $17 /hr
  • Shaughnessy
Loving Care Provider. I believe Child care workers are the stepping stones to a child future!.
| Hello my name is Victoria I am an experienced childcare worker I have been working with children most of my life.I am experienced with children ages newborn to 13 years I do house cleaning meal preparation and daily activities to make sure your child achieves an active healthy lifestyle. I focus on the physical, emotional, social, language, and cognitive skills and I strongly believe in the power of play.
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From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Shaughnessy

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