Child Care in Shallow Lake

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Misha A.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Shallow Lake
I’m a fun individual who can prepare healthy snacks, plan fun activities and maintain a household.
| I have been babysitting since I was 12 years old. I have lots of experience with children, last year I also worked in a daycare as a cook cleaner and teacher, I have been CPR trained and have also had my vulnerable sector check done to work in childcare. I can make healthy snacks and lunches, create interactive activities for children of all ages and maintain the household all at once. I am a kind generous and thoughtful individual with lots of patience. I have babysat children under six months of age all the way to 14 years of age and am good at coordinating different activities for children of all ages. I like to take the children to do fun activities with the consent of parents as well, for example on a warm summer day I have taken children to parks to let them enjoy the fresh air and the sun. I am diligent when it comes to preparation and never forget sunscreen! I would be a great addition to anyone looking for childcare throughout the work days or even for date nights, I am flexible and my schedule is generally rather open. I'm going to college in September for a Bachelor in Psychology so I am looking for someone who may need help during the summer months.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Shallow Lake
I’m a fun individual who can prepare healthy snacks, plan fun activities and maintain a household.
| I have been babysitting since I was 12 years old. I have lots of experience with children, last year I also worked in a daycare as a cook cleaner and teacher, I have been CPR trained and have also had my vulnerable sector check done to work in childcare. I can make healthy snacks and lunches, create interactive activities for children of all ages and maintain the household all at once. I am a kind generous and thoughtful individual with lots of patience. I have babysat children under six months of age all the way to 14 years of age and am good at coordinating different activities for children of all ages. I like to take the children to do fun activities with the consent of parents as well, for example on a warm summer day I have taken children to parks to let them enjoy the fresh air and the sun. I am diligent when it comes to preparation and never forget sunscreen! I would be a great addition to anyone looking for childcare throughout the work days or even for date nights, I am flexible and my schedule is generally rather open. I'm going to college in September for a Bachelor in Psychology so I am looking for someone who may need help during the summer months.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Shallow Lake

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