Child Care in Sainte-Sophie

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Adoracion P.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Sainte-Sophie
1 Verification
i have a good characteristic as a nanny.
| I am 13 years experienced nanny. I worked 10 years as a nanny to an ADHD child in Qatar. And working here as nanny to two kids boy age 4years old and a girl 2years old here in Cote Saint Luc. I am an organized and prepared I plan how we are going to spend the day with the kids specially they're not in the school or if they came home early from the school. I can manage and control fussy and grumpy kids. I can teach them songs counting a little math through playing. I am also flexible. I can easily adapt to the childcare style of the parents am working with. I consult and ask permission to the parent if I could impose or implement my own strategies in caring the kids or to help address any behaviour issues. I make an effort and see to it that the kids and the parents have good connection.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Sainte-Sophie
i have a good characteristic as a nanny.
| I am 13 years experienced nanny. I worked 10 years as a nanny to an ADHD child in Qatar. And working here as nanny to two kids boy age 4years old and a girl 2years old here in Cote Saint Luc. I am an organized and prepared I plan how we are going to spend the day with the kids specially they're not in the school or if they came home early from the school. I can manage and control fussy and grumpy kids. I can teach them songs counting a little math through playing. I am also flexible. I can easily adapt to the childcare style of the parents am working with. I consult and ask permission to the parent if I could impose or implement my own strategies in caring the kids or to help address any behaviour issues. I make an effort and see to it that the kids and the parents have good connection.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in Sainte-Sophie

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