Child Care in Saint-Hyacinthe

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Rosmey M.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Saint-Hyacinthe
I am 27 years old Organized,comprehensive ,Fun Puntual,dynamic and responsable
| my name rosmey I am 27 years old Organized,comprehensive ,Fun Puntual,dynamic and responsable . I like babysitting, I have been babysitting since I was 17 years old. vocation for child care .
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Saint-Hyacinthe
I am 27 years old Organized,comprehensive ,Fun Puntual,dynamic and responsable
| my name rosmey I am 27 years old Organized,comprehensive ,Fun Puntual,dynamic and responsable . I like babysitting, I have been babysitting since I was 17 years old. vocation for child care .
... more
From $16 per hour \
Gizelle A.
1 Verification
  • From $23 /hr
  • Saint-Hyacinthe
1 Verification
A patient and disciplined person.
| First, I was my best friend's boy's nanny. After a while, I find out that I have a good relationship with babies, so continued it in like a professional way. Now, I have around 2years experience in babysitting. I am a pharmacist but always into children's psychology. Try to find out more about children's world and help them to grow confident, ambitious and self-secure. I'm a patient and disciplined person, looking forward to help babies and children discover all aspects of this wonderful world while they feel sefe and secure.
... more
  • From $23 /hr
  • Saint-Hyacinthe
A patient and disciplined person.
| First, I was my best friend's boy's nanny. After a while, I find out that I have a good relationship with babies, so continued it in like a professional way. Now, I have around 2years experience in babysitting. I am a pharmacist but always into children's psychology. Try to find out more about children's world and help them to grow confident, ambitious and self-secure. I'm a patient and disciplined person, looking forward to help babies and children discover all aspects of this wonderful world while they feel sefe and secure.
... more
From $23 per hour \
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Child Care in Saint-Hyacinthe

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