Child Care in North Sydney

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Maseeh Q.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • North Sydney
1 Verification
Care give (any population)
| My mother had a day care centre, so I have been with children, taking care of them basically since the time I was born. I am extremely great with them. I am also a physiotherapist by profession and in my experience as a therapist I used to specifically treat pediatric population. So I'm good with special kids too. I can cook too.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • North Sydney
Care give (any population)
| My mother had a day care centre, so I have been with children, taking care of them basically since the time I was born. I am extremely great with them. I am also a physiotherapist by profession and in my experience as a therapist I used to specifically treat pediatric population. So I'm good with special kids too. I can cook too.
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From $16 per hour \
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Child Care in North Sydney

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