Nannies in Maricourt

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Ashlyn D.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Maricourt
Child Caregiver!
| I have 5 years of experience in child care, starting from the ymca as a 16 year old working as a program staff for school age care then moved up to a lead of the program at the age of 18. Now I work at a preschool in the infant room but also have experience with other ages.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Maricourt
Child Caregiver!
| I have 5 years of experience in child care, starting from the ymca as a 16 year old working as a program staff for school age care then moved up to a lead of the program at the age of 18. Now I work at a preschool in the infant room but also have experience with other ages.
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From $20 per hour \
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Nannies in Maricourt

When do you need child care?