Nannies in Gunn

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Cydney H.
  • From $13 /hr
  • Gunn
Hi there! My name is Cydney and I am a retired school teacher with nanny experience.
| As a teacher and nanny, I've worked with many ages and stages of younger kids. I find children interesting and just generally enjoy their wonder when looking at & learning about the world around them.
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  • From $13 /hr
  • Gunn
Hi there! My name is Cydney and I am a retired school teacher with nanny experience.
| As a teacher and nanny, I've worked with many ages and stages of younger kids. I find children interesting and just generally enjoy their wonder when looking at & learning about the world around them.
... more
From $13 per hour \
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Nannies in Gunn

When do you need child care?