Nannies in Chambly

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1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Chambly
1 Verification
Child care; I am 31 years
| As a woman and a mother of two ; I see myself fitting in this responsibilities not only being a mother but I love children. So I don’t see it as a burden spending time with young child instead it as an opportunity to learn their world of diversity and which makes every child unique and different. So I have an experience of working in day care center; as a nanny or baby sitters. These role involved creating a structured environment; planning age - appropriate activities; ensuring safety and providing emotional support. However child care presents also challenges. It requires patience , adaptability and the ability to handle unpredictable situations. Each child has a unique needs and responsibilities , so child care provider must be flexible; friendly and responsive to individual differences.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • Chambly
Child care; I am 31 years
| As a woman and a mother of two ; I see myself fitting in this responsibilities not only being a mother but I love children. So I don’t see it as a burden spending time with young child instead it as an opportunity to learn their world of diversity and which makes every child unique and different. So I have an experience of working in day care center; as a nanny or baby sitters. These role involved creating a structured environment; planning age - appropriate activities; ensuring safety and providing emotional support. However child care presents also challenges. It requires patience , adaptability and the ability to handle unpredictable situations. Each child has a unique needs and responsibilities , so child care provider must be flexible; friendly and responsive to individual differences.
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From $18 per hour \
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Nannies in Chambly

When do you need child care?