Child Care in Millgrove

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Deanna H.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Millgrove
I am willing to watch your kids, pets and clean your home for you!
| Hey! I am Deanna, I am 18 years old and I am taking a gap year to rediscover myself. I have been babysitting kids since I was 13 years old and I really enjoy getting to hang out with kids. Some of my interests are music and sports. I also love history and reading :)
... more
  • From $14 /hr
  • Millgrove
I am willing to watch your kids, pets and clean your home for you!
| Hey! I am Deanna, I am 18 years old and I am taking a gap year to rediscover myself. I have been babysitting kids since I was 13 years old and I really enjoy getting to hang out with kids. Some of my interests are music and sports. I also love history and reading :)
... more
From $14 per hour \
Sibgha H.
1 Verification
  • From $18 /hr
  • Millgrove
1 Verification
Compassionate and Reliable Childcare Provider with a Homemaking Touch
| Hello! I’m a 25-year-old experienced babysitter with a deep passion for childcare. I have been the primary caretaker for my niece throughout her six years of life and now have the joy of raising a baby of my own. These experiences have given me hands-on expertise in all aspects of childcare and homemaking. I thrive on keeping spaces clean, organized, and running smoothly, and I bring this same dedication to any home I work in. I’m also very comfortable around pets—I have two cats and a dog of my own—so I can easily adapt to families with furry friends. I’m excited about the opportunity to support your family and look forward to seeing how I can make your life easier! References can be provided if needed!
... more
  • From $18 /hr
  • Millgrove
Compassionate and Reliable Childcare Provider with a Homemaking Touch
| Hello! I’m a 25-year-old experienced babysitter with a deep passion for childcare. I have been the primary caretaker for my niece throughout her six years of life and now have the joy of raising a baby of my own. These experiences have given me hands-on expertise in all aspects of childcare and homemaking. I thrive on keeping spaces clean, organized, and running smoothly, and I bring this same dedication to any home I work in. I’m also very comfortable around pets—I have two cats and a dog of my own—so I can easily adapt to families with furry friends. I’m excited about the opportunity to support your family and look forward to seeing how I can make your life easier! References can be provided if needed!
... more
From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in Millgrove

When do you need child care?