Child Care in Marmora

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Juliana C.
Hired once
  • From $17 /hr
  • Marmora
Hired once
Student Childcare Provider
| I’m a 3rd year Education student at TrentU looking to gain more experience in childcare and put my in-progress degree to work. I’ve volunteered with the elementary school on multiple occasions, and as the eldest of 4, I have plenty of experience in caring for multiple children independently.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Marmora
Student Childcare Provider
| I’m a 3rd year Education student at TrentU looking to gain more experience in childcare and put my in-progress degree to work. I’ve volunteered with the elementary school on multiple occasions, and as the eldest of 4, I have plenty of experience in caring for multiple children independently.
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From $17 per hour \
Jasmine K.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Marmora
In home caregiver
| I am currently a stay at home mom to my 5 month old son while on mat leave. I have three stepdaughters ages 5,6, and 9 who visit every other weekend. I am a food handling certified cook at Woody Burger. I can provide a safe, loving environment with very flexible hours and healthy home cooked meals. My home is peanut free. My home also includes my partner whom spends most of the day at work but is a very good with children as well while home, my sweet puppy, and my small cat, both animals are very friendly and raised around kids.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Marmora
In home caregiver
| I am currently a stay at home mom to my 5 month old son while on mat leave. I have three stepdaughters ages 5,6, and 9 who visit every other weekend. I am a food handling certified cook at Woody Burger. I can provide a safe, loving environment with very flexible hours and healthy home cooked meals. My home is peanut free. My home also includes my partner whom spends most of the day at work but is a very good with children as well while home, my sweet puppy, and my small cat, both animals are very friendly and raised around kids.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Marmora

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