Child Care in Langham

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Natasha K.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Langham
Trustful, fun, responsible and reliable childcare provider.
| My name is Natasha, I’m 22 years old and have been working in child care for over 10+ years. I have my ECE Level 1 certification as well as my First Aid and CPR. I also have a various amount of training including autism, epilepsy, spinabifida and much more. I have also completed my Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training. When I’m taking care of children I always make sure that each child is getting to experience hands on and educational activities. Activities that I have done in the past has been outdoor play, reading and writing, baking, crafts etc.. My main goal when caring for children is making sure that they know that they are safe and cared for when I’m my care. As well as building that relationship with not only the children but as well as the parents or guardian. I would love to meet your family and set up a interview if you are interested in having me care for your children. I look forward to hearing from you.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Langham
Trustful, fun, responsible and reliable childcare provider.
| My name is Natasha, I’m 22 years old and have been working in child care for over 10+ years. I have my ECE Level 1 certification as well as my First Aid and CPR. I also have a various amount of training including autism, epilepsy, spinabifida and much more. I have also completed my Non Violent Crisis Intervention Training. When I’m taking care of children I always make sure that each child is getting to experience hands on and educational activities. Activities that I have done in the past has been outdoor play, reading and writing, baking, crafts etc.. My main goal when caring for children is making sure that they know that they are safe and cared for when I’m my care. As well as building that relationship with not only the children but as well as the parents or guardian. I would love to meet your family and set up a interview if you are interested in having me care for your children. I look forward to hearing from you.
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From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Langham

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