Child Care in La Prairie

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Arlene K.
  • From $15 /hr
  • La Prairie
I am a trustworthy friend
| I have 9 years experience as a caregiver/babysitter (stayed in one employer only) and certified educator with 11 months experience as a full time educator with the group of 0 to 18 month babies. My experiences taught me well how to handle from baby to toddler and preschool ages. I am very patient, reliable person with initiative attitude and mostly I love kids.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • La Prairie
I am a trustworthy friend
| I have 9 years experience as a caregiver/babysitter (stayed in one employer only) and certified educator with 11 months experience as a full time educator with the group of 0 to 18 month babies. My experiences taught me well how to handle from baby to toddler and preschool ages. I am very patient, reliable person with initiative attitude and mostly I love kids.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in La Prairie

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