Child Care in La Broquerie

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Rebecca G.
  • From $18 /hr
  • La Broquerie
I am a gentle, kind, honest, polite, positive, caring person who loves what I do.
| I have worked both in a daycare setting, school age setting and I have been an in home child sitter. I have worked with ages from infant to teen. I have gone to school to get my CCA certificate (Child Care Assistant) and my EAD (Educational Assistant Diploma) I love working with all ages of children. I took a small break to learn new skills in different areas of work, but I truly miss the rewarding feeling of being are kids and being able to teach and help them grow.
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  • From $18 /hr
  • La Broquerie
I am a gentle, kind, honest, polite, positive, caring person who loves what I do.
| I have worked both in a daycare setting, school age setting and I have been an in home child sitter. I have worked with ages from infant to teen. I have gone to school to get my CCA certificate (Child Care Assistant) and my EAD (Educational Assistant Diploma) I love working with all ages of children. I took a small break to learn new skills in different areas of work, but I truly miss the rewarding feeling of being are kids and being able to teach and help them grow.
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From $18 per hour \
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Child Care in La Broquerie

When do you need child care?