Daycare in Whitehorse

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Brisa J.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Whitehorse
I have experience whit twins baby’s born
| I have strong skills in preparing fresh foods, ranging from scrambled eggs to salads and golden chicken, adapting to children's preferences. My organized approach is reflected in my ability to maintain a clean and safe environment while caring for the little ones. Empathy and patience are fundamental aspects of my approach, allowing me to connect with children on a personal level. I love organizing outdoor games like ball and airplane, as well as indoor activities like coloring and storytelling with gestures to foster their creativity and development.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Whitehorse
I have experience whit twins baby’s born
| I have strong skills in preparing fresh foods, ranging from scrambled eggs to salads and golden chicken, adapting to children's preferences. My organized approach is reflected in my ability to maintain a clean and safe environment while caring for the little ones. Empathy and patience are fundamental aspects of my approach, allowing me to connect with children on a personal level. I love organizing outdoor games like ball and airplane, as well as indoor activities like coloring and storytelling with gestures to foster their creativity and development.
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From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in Whitehorse

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