Daycare in Verdun

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Donna J.
  • From $35 /hr
  • Verdun
I believe I can bring out the best in every child..!!
| I am a teacher who has 2 years experience working with toddlers and primary school. I am a Btech graduate and I can easily help the child with any subjects homeworks or even teach them. Looking for families who can provide accomodations too so that it's easy for me to work with the child.
... more
  • From $35 /hr
  • Verdun
I believe I can bring out the best in every child..!!
| I am a teacher who has 2 years experience working with toddlers and primary school. I am a Btech graduate and I can easily help the child with any subjects homeworks or even teach them. Looking for families who can provide accomodations too so that it's easy for me to work with the child.
... more
From $35 per hour \
Kristine d.
1 Verification
  • From $16 /hr
  • Verdun
1 Verification
Mommy Kristine Can take care of you
| taking care of a child like my own child, which i can relate as i am also a mother. I can take care of them by giving them food, play with them, Take care of them taking bath to them and Teach them children rymes and songs
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Verdun
Mommy Kristine Can take care of you
| taking care of a child like my own child, which i can relate as i am also a mother. I can take care of them by giving them food, play with them, Take care of them taking bath to them and Teach them children rymes and songs
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in Verdun

When do you need child care?