Daycare in Ste-Catherine-de-la-J-Cartier

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  • From $14 /hr
  • Ste-Catherine-de-la-J-Cartier
Am a mother who loves babies so much
| Am a mother of two healthy and loving babies. I love babies so much I love my parents too very much so I need a job to take care of them since they are in am old age and they need much of my help. Am a Christian who loves God so much and I always make sure I walk in His ways coz I fear Him so much. I also would like to get a job and build an ophanage to take care of some street children in my country Uganda. I want to also build a beautiful house for my beloved parents who sacrificed everything just for me to have a good life and wouldn't afford to construct themselves a house I love reading the bible coz it's my source of course and strength I know I'll be a good worker if given a chance coz I respect my bosses. Thank you so much. I'll be grateful if given a job
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Ste-Catherine-de-la-J-Cartier
Am a mother who loves babies so much
| Am a mother of two healthy and loving babies. I love babies so much I love my parents too very much so I need a job to take care of them since they are in am old age and they need much of my help. Am a Christian who loves God so much and I always make sure I walk in His ways coz I fear Him so much. I also would like to get a job and build an ophanage to take care of some street children in my country Uganda. I want to also build a beautiful house for my beloved parents who sacrificed everything just for me to have a good life and wouldn't afford to construct themselves a house I love reading the bible coz it's my source of course and strength I know I'll be a good worker if given a chance coz I respect my bosses. Thank you so much. I'll be grateful if given a job
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From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in Ste-Catherine-de-la-J-Cartier

When do you need child care?