Daycare in South Lancaster

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Faith M.
  • From $14 /hr
  • South Lancaster
Child Caregiver Job Application
| I am writing to show my interest in the position Child Caregiver . I have experience as a Nursery Assistant (House Mother) caring for children from age of infancy upto age of 12 years. I enjoy the time I spend with children and how much I learn from them. Children are smart, and I enjoy watching them play. I love when they ask me questions to satisfy their curiosity. I also love when they blurt out thoughts and we have meaningful conversations about them. I see myself as a professional who can influence a child's life, and this inspires me to put in my best every day. What makes me unique as a Child Care Worker is my love for children. Attending to the basic needs of children comes naturally to me and my friendly nature makes it easy to win the love of children. In my current roles, my colleagues often say l have lots of patience especially when it comes to kids. I have strong interpersonal, communication and decision-making skills that I believe every good child care worker needs. More importantly, I seek to positively impact the lives of children that I care for.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • South Lancaster
Child Caregiver Job Application
| I am writing to show my interest in the position Child Caregiver . I have experience as a Nursery Assistant (House Mother) caring for children from age of infancy upto age of 12 years. I enjoy the time I spend with children and how much I learn from them. Children are smart, and I enjoy watching them play. I love when they ask me questions to satisfy their curiosity. I also love when they blurt out thoughts and we have meaningful conversations about them. I see myself as a professional who can influence a child's life, and this inspires me to put in my best every day. What makes me unique as a Child Care Worker is my love for children. Attending to the basic needs of children comes naturally to me and my friendly nature makes it easy to win the love of children. In my current roles, my colleagues often say l have lots of patience especially when it comes to kids. I have strong interpersonal, communication and decision-making skills that I believe every good child care worker needs. More importantly, I seek to positively impact the lives of children that I care for.
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From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in South Lancaster

When do you need child care?