Daycare in Oromocto

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Ally M.
  • From $14 /hr
  • Oromocto
Offering child care in my home.
| I am a young woman who is the second of three siblings. I helped raise my younger sibling and I have watched children multiple times in the past. I am also a step mother. I enjoy watching and helping children learn and grow, I also enjoy spending time outdoors when weather permits. I have background in healthcare.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Oromocto
Offering child care in my home.
| I am a young woman who is the second of three siblings. I helped raise my younger sibling and I have watched children multiple times in the past. I am also a step mother. I enjoy watching and helping children learn and grow, I also enjoy spending time outdoors when weather permits. I have background in healthcare.
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From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in Oromocto

When do you need child care?