Daycare in New Westminster

Select from 3,264 day caregivers near you.

When do you need child care?
Azadeh S.
  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
I am 40 years and I like children very much and like my job too.I am full of energy.
| I have eight years of experience caring for and educating children, and I am great at caring for and communicating with children, and children are usually comfortable with me and enjoy spending time with me.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
I am 40 years and I like children very much and like my job too.I am full of energy.
| I have eight years of experience caring for and educating children, and I am great at caring for and communicating with children, and children are usually comfortable with me and enjoy spending time with me.
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From $20 per hour \
Sonia A.
  • From $12 /hr
  • New Westminster
Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you
| My name is #####.### I have two precious little boys, ages 3 yrs and 10 mos. I live in New ############.### have been married for over 2years. I am starting daycare jobs because I have a genuine love of children & enjoy seeing them reach their full potential. As a parent I understand that it can take a lot of time & effort to find a perfect match to care for your child. A safe & comfortable environment, a nurturing & experienced provider, fun learning, healthy meals, centralized location and flexible hours are just a few of the qualities within my home. You can rest assured that your childcare needs will be met. are a true part of our family and are receiving the personal attention they deserve. For this reason, I will only be accepting 2-3 kids at a time.
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  • From $12 /hr
  • New Westminster
Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to meeting you
| My name is #####.### I have two precious little boys, ages 3 yrs and 10 mos. I live in New ############.### have been married for over 2years. I am starting daycare jobs because I have a genuine love of children & enjoy seeing them reach their full potential. As a parent I understand that it can take a lot of time & effort to find a perfect match to care for your child. A safe & comfortable environment, a nurturing & experienced provider, fun learning, healthy meals, centralized location and flexible hours are just a few of the qualities within my home. You can rest assured that your childcare needs will be met. are a true part of our family and are receiving the personal attention they deserve. For this reason, I will only be accepting 2-3 kids at a time.
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From $12 per hour \
Brittney M.
  • From $15 /hr
  • New Westminster
Home Daycare, Burquitlam
| Hello! I run a home daycare located close to Burquitlam Station. I have a spot opening up for June 1st. Tv time doesn’t exist in my house, we spend lots of time outside and going to play groups and strong start. I have water tables and pools for outdoor play in the summer and we are outside rain or shine. I have first aid training, cpr and safe babies. I’ve been working with kids for about 13 years and I have lots of experience.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • New Westminster
Home Daycare, Burquitlam
| Hello! I run a home daycare located close to Burquitlam Station. I have a spot opening up for June 1st. Tv time doesn’t exist in my house, we spend lots of time outside and going to play groups and strong start. I have water tables and pools for outdoor play in the summer and we are outside rain or shine. I have first aid training, cpr and safe babies. I’ve been working with kids for about 13 years and I have lots of experience.
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From $15 per hour \
Terri W.
  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
Experienced day care provider.
| Hi there. I'm a mother of two, grandmother of 5. They are the loves of my life! Unfortunately they live in Calgary and Ottawa. I was a Realtor for 26 yrs. Prior to real estate, I was a stay at home and did child care for 7 yrs. I was so attached, I became godmother to two of the children. I absolutely love children and look forward to meeting you and your children!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
Experienced day care provider.
| Hi there. I'm a mother of two, grandmother of 5. They are the loves of my life! Unfortunately they live in Calgary and Ottawa. I was a Realtor for 26 yrs. Prior to real estate, I was a stay at home and did child care for 7 yrs. I was so attached, I became godmother to two of the children. I absolutely love children and look forward to meeting you and your children!
... more
From $20 per hour \
Sabrina  I.
  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I can babysit children in different age groups. I always make sure that the child/children feel comfortable and well, I am good at coming up with ideas and activities. I love to teach the children new things, do crafts, explore outside with them and most of all create amazing bonds. I want to be able to provide parents with comfort and security of having someone trustworthy watching their little ones.
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • New Westminster
I Am Reliable Caring And Loving Person
| I can babysit children in different age groups. I always make sure that the child/children feel comfortable and well, I am good at coming up with ideas and activities. I love to teach the children new things, do crafts, explore outside with them and most of all create amazing bonds. I want to be able to provide parents with comfort and security of having someone trustworthy watching their little ones.
... more
From $20 per hour \
Did you know...
The average hourly rate for day caregivers in New Westminster is between $18 and $23
  • From $16 /hr
  • New Westminster
I have passion, child-loving person. I can work afternoon to evening.
| I have a ECE assistant certifiicate. I have been cared 4 children. I have First Aid , Food Safty certificate.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • New Westminster
I have passion, child-loving person. I can work afternoon to evening.
| I have a ECE assistant certifiicate. I have been cared 4 children. I have First Aid , Food Safty certificate.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in New Westminster

When do you need child care?