Daycare in Moncton

Select from 293 day caregivers near you.

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Chelsea F.
1 Verification
  • From $12 /hr
  • Moncton
1 Verification
| I operate a dayhome in my house! It’s called dayhome and is located in the north end of Moncton (near Evergreen park school) I offer child care Monday to Friday from 8:00-5:30 I offer receipts and I’m in the process of receiving my First aid. This program provides quality care with a safe and caring environment which provides individual support, guidance, socialization and exploration through play. Breakfast will be provided as well as a heathy lunch and afternoon snack. If you are interested in a spot you can contact me by my email or phone (you can find both in my ad) or send me a message. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
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  • From $12 /hr
  • Moncton
| I operate a dayhome in my house! It’s called dayhome and is located in the north end of Moncton (near Evergreen park school) I offer child care Monday to Friday from 8:00-5:30 I offer receipts and I’m in the process of receiving my First aid. This program provides quality care with a safe and caring environment which provides individual support, guidance, socialization and exploration through play. Breakfast will be provided as well as a heathy lunch and afternoon snack. If you are interested in a spot you can contact me by my email or phone (you can find both in my ad) or send me a message. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!
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From $12 per hour \
Adewale A.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Moncton
Personal support work in moncton needed. Can pickup and drop off child daily between 9-4pm
| I am a 47yr old father of three, I live in moncton and have a passion for kids. Will be willing to have a male child come in, join me from 9am-4pm daily. I have been working as personal support worker and home care worker for 3years and have a deep passion for kids. I have my CPR and have undergone so many in-house trainings at MCRI my place of work
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Moncton
Personal support work in moncton needed. Can pickup and drop off child daily between 9-4pm
| I am a 47yr old father of three, I live in moncton and have a passion for kids. Will be willing to have a male child come in, join me from 9am-4pm daily. I have been working as personal support worker and home care worker for 3years and have a deep passion for kids. I have my CPR and have undergone so many in-house trainings at MCRI my place of work
... more
From $16 per hour \
Nengi B.
  • From $16 /hr
  • Moncton
An attentive caring caregiver
| As a child caregiver, I possess a variety of skills that make you well-equipped to care for children. I am patient, nurturing, and attentive, able to provide the care and attention that children need to thrive. I am also creative and resourceful, coming up with fun and engaging activities to keep children entertained and stimulated. My communication skills are excellent, allowing you to effectively interact with children and understand their needs. Additionally, I am responsible and reliable, ensuring that children are safe and well-cared for at all times. Overall, my skills as a child caregiver make you a valuable asset for any family looking for quality childcare.
... more
  • From $16 /hr
  • Moncton
An attentive caring caregiver
| As a child caregiver, I possess a variety of skills that make you well-equipped to care for children. I am patient, nurturing, and attentive, able to provide the care and attention that children need to thrive. I am also creative and resourceful, coming up with fun and engaging activities to keep children entertained and stimulated. My communication skills are excellent, allowing you to effectively interact with children and understand their needs. Additionally, I am responsible and reliable, ensuring that children are safe and well-cared for at all times. Overall, my skills as a child caregiver make you a valuable asset for any family looking for quality childcare.
... more
From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in Moncton

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