Daycare in Harrow

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Stephanie B.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Harrow
A causal atmosphere for fun and learning.
| I care for my 10 month old granddaughter. My mother lives with me at home and will be an amazing help. We have dogs - and we walk daily. I provide craft time, help with homework, reading aloud, singing and I play guitar. When the weather is nice and the community is safe to venture out, I will be planning trips to local age appropriate things to do close to home I am looking to provide care for up to 3 children including my granddaughter I can also accommodate special diets and have experience with epipen as I myself have a nut allergy. There are very few rules here. I insist on kindness to others and good manners and find with that there is really no reason for any more rules if these two are followed. We also have a cat should allergies be an issue.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Harrow
A causal atmosphere for fun and learning.
| I care for my 10 month old granddaughter. My mother lives with me at home and will be an amazing help. We have dogs - and we walk daily. I provide craft time, help with homework, reading aloud, singing and I play guitar. When the weather is nice and the community is safe to venture out, I will be planning trips to local age appropriate things to do close to home I am looking to provide care for up to 3 children including my granddaughter I can also accommodate special diets and have experience with epipen as I myself have a nut allergy. There are very few rules here. I insist on kindness to others and good manners and find with that there is really no reason for any more rules if these two are followed. We also have a cat should allergies be an issue.
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From $20 per hour \
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Daycare in Harrow

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