Daycare in Hammonds Plains

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Dragonfly Dayhomes
  • From $16 /hr
  • Hammonds Plains
Nurturing and friendly husband and wife team who run own dayhome in Lucasville.
| Are you looking for a dayhome? We have 2 spots available immediately and 1 at the beginning of November. We also have availability for Wednesdays. Hi, We are Michelle and Chris, wife and husband team. We are located in Lucasville, close to Sackville, Hammonds Plains and Bedford. We provide a friendly and nurturing environment. We offer full time care and before and after school care for Kingswood Elementary School plus PD days. Our dayhome is fully insured and registered with an agency. We have a fully fenced-in back yard, we both have First Aid / CPR C Certification, clear criminal background vulnerable sector check and child abuse registry. We wiill provide receipts yearly or more frequently if needed. Our hours are Mon-Fri from 7AM-6PM Activities include arts and crafts, story time, music, outside play, sensory activities and educational learning, science experiments and free play. Will include 2 healthy snacks and a healthy lunch. Can also provide references.
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  • From $16 /hr
  • Hammonds Plains
Nurturing and friendly husband and wife team who run own dayhome in Lucasville.
| Are you looking for a dayhome? We have 2 spots available immediately and 1 at the beginning of November. We also have availability for Wednesdays. Hi, We are Michelle and Chris, wife and husband team. We are located in Lucasville, close to Sackville, Hammonds Plains and Bedford. We provide a friendly and nurturing environment. We offer full time care and before and after school care for Kingswood Elementary School plus PD days. Our dayhome is fully insured and registered with an agency. We have a fully fenced-in back yard, we both have First Aid / CPR C Certification, clear criminal background vulnerable sector check and child abuse registry. We wiill provide receipts yearly or more frequently if needed. Our hours are Mon-Fri from 7AM-6PM Activities include arts and crafts, story time, music, outside play, sensory activities and educational learning, science experiments and free play. Will include 2 healthy snacks and a healthy lunch. Can also provide references.
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From $16 per hour \
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Daycare in Hammonds Plains

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