Daycare in Burford

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Victoria L.
1 Verification
  • From $25 /hr
  • Burford
1 Verification
My name is Victoria and I am an Early Childhood Educator.
| Hello, my name is Victoria. . I have experience working with children for 17 years. And have experience working in a daycare for 8 years. At different times in the day I will have activities for the children to take part in if they wish, the activities include crafts, science experiments, free play, circle time with stories, rhymes and songs. ABC's, 123's learning as well as name recognition shapes, colours, weather, rhymes, sensory play, dramatic play, blocks, puzzles, and fine motor development. We will also spend alot of time outside. I run a home daycare out of my house, running on a school year program. My rates are: Infant 0-18 months $50 a day Toddler and preschooler $42 a day. Please feel free to message me with any questions.
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  • From $25 /hr
  • Burford
My name is Victoria and I am an Early Childhood Educator.
| Hello, my name is Victoria. . I have experience working with children for 17 years. And have experience working in a daycare for 8 years. At different times in the day I will have activities for the children to take part in if they wish, the activities include crafts, science experiments, free play, circle time with stories, rhymes and songs. ABC's, 123's learning as well as name recognition shapes, colours, weather, rhymes, sensory play, dramatic play, blocks, puzzles, and fine motor development. We will also spend alot of time outside. I run a home daycare out of my house, running on a school year program. My rates are: Infant 0-18 months $50 a day Toddler and preschooler $42 a day. Please feel free to message me with any questions.
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From $25 per hour \
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Daycare in Burford

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