Daycare in Ayr

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1 Verification Hired 2 times
  • From $14 /hr
  • Ayr
1 Verification Hired 2 times
Gramzie P.S.W./ Home daycare provider
| Full time available January 2025. Daily rates for a max. 9-hour day. Daycare hours Monday to Friday 7:30 am -5:30 pm I am a certified PSW (personal support worker for care of all ages) which I worked in the community for over 8 yrs, caring for all ages, specializing in senior and special needs care. I run my daycare out of my home and have since the fall of 2011. Before that I worked as a PSW, for 8 + yrs.,. Previously I ran Liz 's playtime corner out of my home for 15 yrs. First time was to stay home with my children, the second time, to spend time with my grandchildren. I have always loved working with children and watching them learn and grow. The daycare runs like a visit to grandma's house with educational background. I encourage manners, language development, preparation for school, crafts, music and lots of outdoor adventures. I provide 2 snacks and 1 lunch. (special diets can be accommodated with provisions of specialty foods by the child's parent). I introduce French and sign language and a little bit of German and Spanish though I am only fluent in English.
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  • From $14 /hr
  • Ayr
Gramzie P.S.W./ Home daycare provider
| Full time available January 2025. Daily rates for a max. 9-hour day. Daycare hours Monday to Friday 7:30 am -5:30 pm I am a certified PSW (personal support worker for care of all ages) which I worked in the community for over 8 yrs, caring for all ages, specializing in senior and special needs care. I run my daycare out of my home and have since the fall of 2011. Before that I worked as a PSW, for 8 + yrs.,. Previously I ran Liz 's playtime corner out of my home for 15 yrs. First time was to stay home with my children, the second time, to spend time with my grandchildren. I have always loved working with children and watching them learn and grow. The daycare runs like a visit to grandma's house with educational background. I encourage manners, language development, preparation for school, crafts, music and lots of outdoor adventures. I provide 2 snacks and 1 lunch. (special diets can be accommodated with provisions of specialty foods by the child's parent). I introduce French and sign language and a little bit of German and Spanish though I am only fluent in English.
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From $14 per hour \
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Daycare in Ayr

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