Child Care in Dewdney

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Leanne E.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Agassiz
Babysitter, Nanny, Au Pair with Own Transport - Agassiz V0M
| I'm 23, newly married, and finishing my degree to be a Children's Pastor. Have my first year of Early Childhood Education and I am currently finishing up my last semester of my Bachelor of Arts in Religion (4 year program) that will be completed in the fall 2020 semester. I currently work at a church in the children's ministry 23 hours a week, as well as once a week as an EA at a private school. I’m currently seeking some part time nanny work, preferably on Monday’s and Fridays.
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  • From $20 /hr
  • Agassiz
Babysitter, Nanny, Au Pair with Own Transport - Agassiz V0M
| I'm 23, newly married, and finishing my degree to be a Children's Pastor. Have my first year of Early Childhood Education and I am currently finishing up my last semester of my Bachelor of Arts in Religion (4 year program) that will be completed in the fall 2020 semester. I currently work at a church in the children's ministry 23 hours a week, as well as once a week as an EA at a private school. I’m currently seeking some part time nanny work, preferably on Monday’s and Fridays.
... more
From $20 per hour \
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Child Care in Dewdney

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