Child Care in Coaldale

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Kimberly I.
  • From $20 /hr
  • Coaldale
3 words that describe me: trustworthy, fun and responsible.
| Hello! My name is Kimberly and I am 19 years old. I am the oldest of 5 and I have 50+ cousins!!! I love working with kids and hanging out with them. With many cousins and a few siblings I have learned over the years how to care for and love any child at any age no matter their needs! I have worked for three years with special needs individuals, all with different needs. I am more then willing to work with any child who needs special caregiving! I love all people and am definitely a person who likes to hang out, play games, go for walks or go to the park, or just hang out and watch movies. I drive a Chevy Yukon, so I have room for car seats and lots of little ones:) I would be honored to work with your kids and become part of your family in a little way!!!
... more
  • From $20 /hr
  • Coaldale
3 words that describe me: trustworthy, fun and responsible.
| Hello! My name is Kimberly and I am 19 years old. I am the oldest of 5 and I have 50+ cousins!!! I love working with kids and hanging out with them. With many cousins and a few siblings I have learned over the years how to care for and love any child at any age no matter their needs! I have worked for three years with special needs individuals, all with different needs. I am more then willing to work with any child who needs special caregiving! I love all people and am definitely a person who likes to hang out, play games, go for walks or go to the park, or just hang out and watch movies. I drive a Chevy Yukon, so I have room for car seats and lots of little ones:) I would be honored to work with your kids and become part of your family in a little way!!!
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From $20 per hour \
Elizabeth M.
1 Verification
  • From $15 /hr
  • Coaldale
1 Verification
Babysitter or Childcare Coordinator.
| I worked as a childcare coordinator in my church for around 3 years, cleaning and playing with 25 kids in between the ages of 4-6. I also did some babysitting on and off in the past 3 years with kids in between the ages 3-7.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Coaldale
Babysitter or Childcare Coordinator.
| I worked as a childcare coordinator in my church for around 3 years, cleaning and playing with 25 kids in between the ages of 4-6. I also did some babysitting on and off in the past 3 years with kids in between the ages 3-7.
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From $15 per hour \
Sarah P.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Coaldale
Nursing student looking for work in Coaldale :)
| Hi there, I am located in Coaldale and am open to any all work, be it for child care, senior care, or even some housekeeping. I am open to working any hours, the more the better :). I have my first aid, as I am a nursing student. I have multiple years of experience in child care and senior care and considering our current virus situation; I can provide skilled sanitation care.
... more
  • From $15 /hr
  • Coaldale
Nursing student looking for work in Coaldale :)
| Hi there, I am located in Coaldale and am open to any all work, be it for child care, senior care, or even some housekeeping. I am open to working any hours, the more the better :). I have my first aid, as I am a nursing student. I have multiple years of experience in child care and senior care and considering our current virus situation; I can provide skilled sanitation care.
... more
From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Coaldale

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