Child Care in Clavet

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Emma S.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Clavet
A friendly, loving caring, trustworthy, responsible and reliable babysitter/
| I’m a very friendly, bubbly person. Who has a special bond with kids. I’ve had about 8 years of experience with children. I am currently in the Early Childhood program at polytechnic. I have been a babysitter and a nanny for a few families and have worked at an in home daycare. I work hard at engaging games and activities for the kids indoor and outdoor. I love kids so I’m always entertaining them as best as I can. I can prep meals, do house clean up and coordinate nap time and bedtime preparation. I’m always willing to learn new skills and help with whatever is needed. I have a few references from the family’s I have babysat and worked for. If you have any questions just contact me.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Clavet
A friendly, loving caring, trustworthy, responsible and reliable babysitter/
| I’m a very friendly, bubbly person. Who has a special bond with kids. I’ve had about 8 years of experience with children. I am currently in the Early Childhood program at polytechnic. I have been a babysitter and a nanny for a few families and have worked at an in home daycare. I work hard at engaging games and activities for the kids indoor and outdoor. I love kids so I’m always entertaining them as best as I can. I can prep meals, do house clean up and coordinate nap time and bedtime preparation. I’m always willing to learn new skills and help with whatever is needed. I have a few references from the family’s I have babysat and worked for. If you have any questions just contact me.
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From $17 per hour \
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Child Care in Clavet

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