Child Care in Blackfalds

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Samantha J.
  • From $15 /hr
  • Blackfalds
Compassionate woman with a huge loving heart
| I feel like I have an above normal amount of love to bring into a home. When I was 18 I was told I would never have children. I vowed by love would be passed on to each child I care for. I have been a huge part in the raising of my 4 nieces that my little sister has and a huge part in my nephew that my parents have guardianship over. Working as a live-out nanny, daycare provider, guests services, customer service; I have seen the many ins and outs to having children and the responsibilites it brings.
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  • From $15 /hr
  • Blackfalds
Compassionate woman with a huge loving heart
| I feel like I have an above normal amount of love to bring into a home. When I was 18 I was told I would never have children. I vowed by love would be passed on to each child I care for. I have been a huge part in the raising of my 4 nieces that my little sister has and a huge part in my nephew that my parents have guardianship over. Working as a live-out nanny, daycare provider, guests services, customer service; I have seen the many ins and outs to having children and the responsibilites it brings.
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From $15 per hour \
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Child Care in Blackfalds

When do you need child care?