Babysitters in Udora

Select from 141 babysitters near you.

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Abby J.
  • From $17 /hr
  • Udora
Strong, kind, responsible, independent women
| I have lots of experience with children, this includes siblings, Family friends, volunteering with a skating club and in a school. I love children and working with them. My past experience with children are: volunteering in school to help out with grade 1 students, volunteering in my skating club to teach children to skate, babysitting/ nannying. For my past clients I did after school care, care needs (made their meals, bathed them) , helped with virtual learning and homework, outdoor activities, and cleaning up.
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  • From $17 /hr
  • Udora
Strong, kind, responsible, independent women
| I have lots of experience with children, this includes siblings, Family friends, volunteering with a skating club and in a school. I love children and working with them. My past experience with children are: volunteering in school to help out with grade 1 students, volunteering in my skating club to teach children to skate, babysitting/ nannying. For my past clients I did after school care, care needs (made their meals, bathed them) , helped with virtual learning and homework, outdoor activities, and cleaning up.
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From $17 per hour \
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Babysitters in Udora

When do you need child care?