Babysitters in St Malo

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Tessa B.
  • From $11 /hr
  • St Malo
Babysitter preferably for young children and babies.
| I have been providing babysitting care since age 12, to a variety of different ages. I especially love providing care for babies and young children. I am currently attending University of Manitoba trying to obtain a nursing degree. My dream is to specialize in Neonatal care. I am trying to earn some extra money while I'm out of school this summer.
... more
  • From $11 /hr
  • St Malo
Babysitter preferably for young children and babies.
| I have been providing babysitting care since age 12, to a variety of different ages. I especially love providing care for babies and young children. I am currently attending University of Manitoba trying to obtain a nursing degree. My dream is to specialize in Neonatal care. I am trying to earn some extra money while I'm out of school this summer.
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From $11 per hour \
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Babysitters in St Malo

When do you need child care?