Babysitters in St Andrews West

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Brittany H.
  • From $16 /hr
  • St Andrews West
Caregiver looking to learn
| I have never officially been a baby sitter, but I am 22, married, live with my husband and we are planning on having kids in the next year or so. I thought this could be a good opportunity to learn the ins and outs of being a mom. I have always been very good with children and have cared for little cousins and friend's children between the ages of 1 & 10. I know it is not ideal to have little to no experience, but if you are willing to give me a shot I would be so grateful. God Bless
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  • From $16 /hr
  • St Andrews West
Caregiver looking to learn
| I have never officially been a baby sitter, but I am 22, married, live with my husband and we are planning on having kids in the next year or so. I thought this could be a good opportunity to learn the ins and outs of being a mom. I have always been very good with children and have cared for little cousins and friend's children between the ages of 1 & 10. I know it is not ideal to have little to no experience, but if you are willing to give me a shot I would be so grateful. God Bless
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From $16 per hour \
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Babysitters in St Andrews West

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